
Intrinsica Transformational Innovator

Certificate Course

With Judah Thornewill, PhD, Chief Science Officer, Intrinsica

We're using the knowledge provided in this course to re-position ourselves as a globally scalable innovation acceleration network for entrepreneurs and funders in the medications and pharmacy sector, working collaboration with a network of incubators, accelerators and VCs with an interest in this area.

  • Michelle Fritsch, PharmD, Co-Founder, Medipreneurs

This course is under development. Feel free to browse completed lessons. We are adding new lessons in the coming weeks.

Who Should Take this Course?

This course is for anyone who is dissatisfied with the current rate of progress in innovation to address risks to the health and wellbeing of the world's people and is interested in participating in strategic research and action to accelerate innovation to make a difference.

Why Take This Course?

In this course, you will learn new ways to rapidly accelerate the development and implementation of transformational innovations in society. You will learn how to use Intrinsica Accelerate: an open access transformational innovation acceleration system and platform for achieving this goal.

Learn free at your own pace in informative, easy to digest, 10-15 minute sessions. Purchase your certificate when you are ready.

ILC-101 Course Syllabus


This course is for anyone who is dissatisfied with the current rate of progress for solving national and global challenges that are putting the health and wellbeing of the world's people at risk. You will learn how to understand and use Intrinsica Accelerate: an innovation acceleration system for solving these kinds of very difficult challenges.

The course is grounded in emerging collaboration sciences (including the science of service ecosystem design). This area of science looks at the world through a services lens, rather than a product lens. It focuses on "co-creation of services" rather than "production and consumptions of goods".


Judah Thornewill, PhD, Chief Science Officer, Intrinsica (April, 2022 - present)

Nationally recognized expert in large scale collaboration, population health, and digital data sharing networks.

Faculty member (adjunct), University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information Sciences.

Investigator, RAPID Alliance / STAR Study in the National Science Foundation Center for Health Organization Transformation at UofL 2020 - 2022.

Deep Ethics

The Intrinsica community and the Transformational Innovator Certification course begins and ends with "deep ethics". We ask all participants in our community to do their best to recognize all people as intrinsically valuable - worthy of dignity, honor and respect, regardless of our differences. Modern complexity sciences show that each of us is each so complex - so ultimately unknowable - that to try to "categorize" another person as "this or that" is, ultimately, impossible. But once we accept this idea, we can do something unexpected. We can make a choice to recognize that, because each of us is ultimately unknowable, it makes sense to treat each person as intrinsically valuable - beyond any categories we might place on one another. Because who are any of us to say otherwise? Age, gender, race, politics, education, class, wealth, power, position, education, profession: none of these attributes can define anyone. Because of this, we can make a choice to relate to one another in a way that seeks to be open to the intrinsic value of the other, and ask them to do the same for us. It can feel like reaching across an infinite divide. But as we reach across, this kind of magic can happen - at least this is the theory. Unexpected insights and connections can emerge. New perspectives, reconciliation, laughter, friendships, joy, and love, can emerge. This sets a foundation for effective co-creation of innovations and services across many different contexts.

Course Structure

This course contains 4 modules with 4-5 lesson per modules. Each lesson takes about an average of 15-20 minutes to complete. The overall course should take you about 5-10 hours, over a few weeks. You can complete lessons at your own time or in a structured learning group with a set schedule.

What You Need to Succeed

You will need to download a course worksheet on which to keep notes of insights you gain (that you care about) from each session. At the end of the course, you will upload the worksheet through a form. This worksheet will be your and our record that you completed this course.

What You Get

Upon completion, you will be able purchase a certificate of completion for $100.00. This will be issued by a digital certificate provider. The certificate can then be added to your resume or CV, your social media networks, and other places. There will be a permanent record of your completion in the Intrinsica system as well. It will let others know that you have completed the Intrinsica Transformational Innovator Level 1 Certificate course, and have the right to present yourself as an Intrinsica Transformational Innovator. This certificate is designed to open up opportunities for you and others in your world to participate in transformational innovation activities as we work together to solve some of the world's hardest problems. It may also open up new doors for jobs, promotions, contracts, investments, connections, and making a difference in other peoples lives - whatever it is you care about.

Learning Objectives | Lessons

Upon successful completion of this level 1 certificate course, you will have met the following learning objectives:

Module 1. Innovation Unleashed: Tapping into the Extraordinary Potential of Collaborative Innovation Networks (~2 hours)

Lesson 1.1. Understand what it means to say that there is extraordinary untapped potential for collaborative innovation networks; understand the structure of the course.

Lesson 1.2. Recognize some of the most significant global risks to the health and wellbeing of the world's population today and the concept of a complex problem

Lesson 1. 3. Understand the central importance of "deep ethics" and how this relates to concepts like freedom, prosperity, justice, fairness, abundance, and equity. Understand the story of Emmanuel Levinas, the concept of an Ethics-First Framework, what is meant by the term "Intrinsic Value"; Understand the Intrinsica Charter and what it means to sign-on to it.

Lesson 1.4. Create your personal vision and goals for the course.

Lesson 1.5. Connect with others to strengthen your learning experience.

Module 2. Learning the Foundations for Success

Lesson 2.1 Recognize the Rogers Innovation Curve; recognize characteristics of a Transformational Innovation

Lesson 2.2 Recognize famous examples of Transformational Innovations in Society

Lesson 2.3 Recognize the "co-creation of services" model and its transformation potential for solving very hard problems in society.

Lesson 2.4 Recognize the major types of Intellectual Property (I.P.) and ways that they be leveraged to maximize value in networks.

Lesson 2.5 Be familiar with the terms Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, and "What Can we Learn From Geese"

Lesson 2.6 Be familiar with Ecosystem Change Theory and the science behind Intrinsica

Lesson 2.7 Be familiar with Intrinsica's vision, mission, types of memberships, and unique collaborative structure, and how Intrinsica works to solve these kinds of problems.

Module 3. Intrinsica Accelerate: Learning the System

Lesson 3.1 Recognize the key elements in the Intrinsica Accelerate methodology, including the processes and structures used to solve complex problems through collaborative innovation.

Lesson 3.2 Recognize the "Optimal Structures: the Structure of Intrinsica's Collaboratives and Initiatives diagram, and understand the major components of the model.

Lesson 3.3 Recognize the "Strategic Framework" model and how strategic frameworks are used in transformational innovation networks.

Lesson 3.4 Recognize key terms and definitions, and how to look up definitions if you can't remember

Module 4. Applications

Lesson 4. 1 Understand what is involved to develop or lead an innovation community or project. Identify initiatives or collaboratives you are interested in working on.

Lesson 4.2 Understand at a high level the Intrinsica collaborative funding model, and the types of funding that are supported.

Lesson 4.3 Understand what is meant by the "Future of Work"; what are some different models of work, and emerging ways to get paid (and receive equity) in different contexts

Lesson 4.4 Identify one or more opportunities for adding value through transformational innovation: for yourself, your family, your career, your profession, your organizations, your community, state, nation and world.

Lesson 4.5 Identify next steps - how can you get involved? Innovation forums and events.

Lesson 4.6 Engage in a reflective process to identify what was most important about this course for you, by drafting a Vision Statement to Help You Accelerate Achievement of Goals that Matter

Module 1. Innovation Unleashed: the Extraordinary Potential of Collaborative Innovation Networks

Lesson 1. Transformational Innovation: What is it, and Why Does it Matter now? Overview of Course; Reason for Taking Course.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand what it means to say that there is extraordinary untapped potential for collaborative innovation networks; understand the structure of the course; have a stated reason why you are taking the course.

View Video 1

To be added

Complete Assignment 1

Download the course worksheet (here) and answer the Lesson 1 questions. ~3-5 minutes.